Novena to The Holy Spirit
Novena to the Holy Spirit
21st to 29th May 2023 continuing individually at a time of your choosing
A period of Prayer, Reflection & Planning for the renewal of the Church in the Archdiocese of Dublin.
Archbishop Dr Dermot Farrell has asked that every Parish in the Diocese prays a Novena to the Holy Spirit for the future of the Church in the Dublin Diocese.
Novena Prayer to the Holy Spirit:
Come, Holy Spirit, revive & renew us
Come, Holy Spirit, inspire & enthuse us
Come, Holy Spirit, unbind and release us
Open our eyes to see God’s grace around us
Open our ears to hear God’s voice within us
Open our hearts to welcome God among us
Send us out with joy to live the Gospel
Send us out with love to build up hope.
Send us out with peace to act as one